
HD 7 Overview

Dean has 53% name ID overall and 38% favorables.  In the parts of the district that were in his old district, he’s at 74% name ID and 55% favorable.

Dean Image

53% Name ID

38% Favorable

4% Unfavorable

Williams has just 13% name ID and basically no definition.

Williams Image

13% Name ID

4% Favorable

2% Unfavorable

Dean’s hard re-elect of 31% isn’t insurmountable, but it’s also not a sign of any real weakness.

Dean Re-Elect

31% Re-Elect

27% Consider Another

4% Replace

Dean is over 50% on the ballot and Williams only gets 15%


55% Dean

15% Williams

30% Undecided

HD 11 Overview 

Clardy has just 51% Name ID, though his favorables are solid. None of the challengers break 20% name ID.

Clardy’s hard re-elect of 30% is okay, but usually under 30% is when we start thinking of an incumbent as weak so he’s right on the border.

Clardy Re-Elect

30% Re-elect

25% Consider another

5% Replace

40% Don’t Know

Clardy is under 50%, but none of his opponents have clear strength overall.


46% Clardy

7% Williams

6% Caldwell

4% Hale

37% Undecided

Clardy has majority support in the areas that were in his old district, but just 55% isn’t overwhelming. He is at just 20% in the new areas and Mark Williams almost outdoes him in those areas.

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