Texas Federation for Children Logo Texas Federation for Children Logo

Investor Presentation

The Problem

Texas educates 10% (5.5 million) of the nation’s K-12 school children, yet has no private school choice options. Many of those students are poorly served by their government-assigned school.

Texas offers its students some of the fewest educational options in the country.

  • Public School Choice: Severely Limited
  • Charter Schools: Limited
  • Online Education: Severely Limited
  • Private School Choice: None

More than 1,300 (1 in 8) Texas schools are failing in some or all categories that measure student performance.

1 out of every 5 Texas Students will fail to graduate.

Black and Hispanic students are nearly twice as likely to leave school without graduating than white students.

Why School Choice?

  • 1.

    School choice works. Educational options ensure that outcomes improve and that children are more prosperous, safer and productive members of society.

  • 2.

    Gold standard, peer-reviewed research has shown that students who attend private schools through an educational choice program are more likely to:

    • Graduate from high school
    • Apply to college
    • Attend college
    • Graduate from college
    • Participate in civic life
    • Not commit a crime
  • 3.

    Research also shows that public schools improve when students have other options and the improvement increases as the number of options near their neighborhood increases.

Our Mission

Texas Federation for Children seeks to empower families with the freedom to choose the best K-12 education for their children. We believe choice, innovation and entrepreneurship will revolutionize an antiquated K-12 system into a 21st century model where all of Texas’ children have a chance to succeed.

We are a project of the nation’s largest school choice advocacy organization, American Federation for Children.

Our organization has helped pass 39 new school choice laws in 20 states since 2009

Our work has produced a 185 percent increase in private school choice program enrollment.

Our Approach

Our goal is to change the policy landscape within state legislatures.

Lift bans on new forms of schooling, including virtual or online schools -- which are particularly important in the Coronavirus era -- allowing families to choose the best environment for their children.

Expand enrollment caps on public charters to meet the explosive demand among Texas families.

Create a program for private school choice that allows public school students to affordably attend a private school.

Expand open enrollment which allows students to transfer freely between schools within a district or across district lines.

Texas Federation for Children PAC Logo

Entering Texas

Winning elections is how we change politics. Specifically, we must elect more members of the Texas Legislature who share our school choice vision.

Political victories will bring systemic changes in Texas, and provide greater hope, greater opportunities, stronger families and stronger communities.

Win ElectionsChange the Legislature → Change Society

Winning Elections

Texas Federation for Children PAC

Texas’s 2020 primary elections were highly successful -- helping advance all 10 of the candidates Texas Federation for Children PAC supported.

Our 6 Republican and 4 Democrat pro-school choice candidates in the March 3 primary election resulted in five outright victories, five runoffs and no losses.

Texas Federation for Children PAC worked closely with allied political action committees and targeted campaigns to avoid duplication of effort and calibrate voter contact messaging.



10 of 10

Candidates Advance

The 2020 Texas Primary By the Numbers

  • Total Spent: $486,000
  • Mailers Sent: 258,961
  • Calls Made: 297,776
  • Texts Sent: 47,566
  • Digital Impressions: 6,002,551
  • Digital Reach: 216,607

Top-Tier Team

We have assembled a world-class team of operatives who share the vision of ensuring every child in Texas has the education needed to ensure their success. Combining each team members’ skills, experience, networks and passion, the synergy created by the Texas Federation for Children’s leaders is a whole greater than the sum of our parts. We will continue to lead the fight for Texans.

Slide Left or Right to Meet Our Team

Mandy Drogin

Mandy Drogin

Texas State Director, American Federation for Children and President, Texas Federation for Children PAC

Mandy Drogin served as the Director of Events for the American Federation for Children for over 5 years, before taking the lead on the Texas Federation for Children. Prior to that she was the lead planner for the Heritage Foundation's largest most distinguished events. Having executed capital campaigns, fundraising strategies resulting in over $20 million, and played a leading role in the design and logistics on a Presidential Advance team, has prepared her to lead the school choice movement in Texas.

Scott Jenson

Scott Jensen

National Chief Strategist, Texas Federation for Children and Texas Federation for Children PAC

Scott is considered one of the foremost experts on school choice in the United States and has developed the highly successful school choice programs that have been implemented by several states. He helped AFC to win more than 80% of the races they targeted, and has successfully developed the electoral and legislative strategy to pass private school choice programs in several states.

John Drogin

John Drogin

Political Strategist and Digital Advisor, Texas Federation for Children and Texas Federation for Children PAC

John’s award-winning firm Drogin Group has worked on high-profile political campaigns, Fortune 500 clients and non-profits. They have developed and implemented some of the most successful marketing and digital campaigns of the last decade winning numerous awards for the cutting edge work. Drogin’s team will work day in and day out with Texas Federation for Children to ensure that its message reaches every receptive ear.

Jason Johnson

Jason Johnson

Political Strategist, Texas Federation for Children and Texas Federation for Children PAC

Jason is deeply connected within Texas politics and understands the challenges facing school choice reform in Texas. Johnson managed Governor Abbott’s campaign for Attorney General, then serving as Abbott’s Chief of Staff in the Office of Attorney General, and then Abbott’s chief political advisor for a decade. Jason went on to become the chief strategist and architect of Ted Cruz’s 2012 senatorial and 2016 presidential campaigns. He will combine his proven record of success to cultivate a winning strategy.

Your Investment

You will be investing in our proven, multi-faceted approach that includes work in elections, engagement and advocacy.

← Swipe or Slide Left to Right to Learn More

Education Icon


In the 2021 session, we will continue to educate legislators and the public about school choice.

Engagement Icon


TXFC will continue to facilitate conversations and learning opportunities for Texans on the benefits of school choice through events, online communications and direct engagement.

Advocacy Icon


In the 2021 session, we will utilize our successful election work to lobby for legislation that advances school choice.

Elections Icon


The only way to make systemic and sustainable changes is to ensure school choice supporters are elected. We have some of the best political advisors managing our election strategies, which have resulted in 100% success thus far.

Texas Federation for Children Logo

Our Commitment

Texas Federation for Children PAC has an investment goal of $1.4 million for 2020, and plans to continue to invest for years to come providing a long-term runway to build the political coalition necessary for reform.

No resources raised from Texas donors will be used for administrative overhead. Our team is being funded by the national board of AFC. Every dollar invested by Texans in Texas Federation for Children PAC will be used for Texas campaigns.

Support Our Work

Join the Texas Federation for Children in empowering parents to choose the best education for their children.

Learn More or Support:

Mandy Drogin
Texas State Director, American Federation for Children
President, Texas Federation for Children PAC
